Q: What does it say on your business card? Head of Indirect Sales & Partnership Products
Q: What does your role involve?
I head up the Sky Homes and Indirect Sales team, which means my focus is on driving Sky consumer sales and additional revenue products such as Sky Protect & Accessories with our external partners as well as overseeing Sky DTH delivery into multiple dwelling units (MDUs).
Q: What’s new at Sky?
This is a very exciting time to be working at Sky as we have just announced our plans for Sky Q – the next-generation home entertainment system that opens up a whole new way of watching TV. Sky Q offers seamless, effortless access to TV, from room to room and screen to screen, in and out of the home. We call it Fluid Viewing.
Our customers say they love the choice of TV available and want to navigate and find it more easily. They want to watch on any screen, not just the main TV in the living room. Sky Q is designed to deliver that and more, and we think customers are going to love it.
Q: When will Sky Q be available?
Sky Q will be available in the UK and Ireland in early 2016.
Q: What will the launch of Sky Q mean for people who own, manage or live in blocks of flats?
We want everyone to be able to enjoy Sky Q, whether they live in a house or an apartment. In order to be Sky Q ready, a block of flats with a Sky communal TV system will need a simple system upgrade. Sky will arrange a free survey, and providing there are no additional costs involved, then the upgrade will be free. Our network of specialist installers can manage this swiftly and simply, with minimal disruption.
Since August, Sky has been proactively upgrading blocks with the new hardware to make them Sky Q ready. At launch next year, if a customer in a multi-dwelling-unit purchases Sky Q in a block that has not been upgraded, Sky will then reactively upgrade the block.
Q: How can we find out more?
Our website, https://communaltv.sky.com/property-managers/ has lots of useful information on Sky Q. To arrange the free survey, you can call 08442 410 388 to speak to one of our team.
Q: What’s your favourite TV programme?
There are too many to narrow it down to one, but am currently enjoying The Last Panthers as well as rediscovering some old favourites like The Sopranos on demand with some weekend box-set bingeing!
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