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Wirral council greenlight selecting licencing

Proposals for a selective licensing scheme in parts of Birkenhead and Wallasey have been approved by Wirral Borough Council.
The scheme is set to come into force on Wednesday 1 July. Landlords with privately rented properties in selected areas will have to make sure they have licences or face fines.
Standard fees for licences are set at £695 for the five years of the scheme. Discounts are available for landlords who attain licences within the first three months of the scheme – or three months of buying a property in a designated area – or have accredited properties. For more information on fee structure, visit the Wirral Borough Council website

The discounts are extremely favourable so it is strongly advised that affected landlords register early and heavily consider accreditation.
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) opposed proposals for selective licensing in the area and provided a consultation response. However, now that the proposals have been given the ‘go-ahead’ it is encouraging affected landlords to act quickly to avoid fines and potential prosecution.

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