Men typically earn more income from property investments than women, fresh research shows.
The average rental income for male landlords is £24,050 a year compared to an average of £22,550 for women, according to the data from property investment firm Knight Knox’s annual survey of landlords.
Men typically earn 6% more than that of their female counterparts, up from a disparity of 1% a year ago.
The results echo Britain’s current gender pay gap among full-time workers, which stands at 9.1%.
Andy Phillips, commercial director at Knight Knox, said: “Inequality and gender pay gaps have been a huge topic across the media over the past year and these figures seem to signal that similar issues may have made their way into the investment and buy-to-let market.
“That being said, the income does seem to be aligned with experience – male landlords have almost two years more experience on average, and this is likely to have some impact on the returns generated by renting out property.”
The research also revealed that renting out property is the main source of income for almost one third - 31% - of female landlords, whereas just 17% of men rely primarily on their property ventures.
But women were underrepresented in the survey, with the gender breakdown showing 40% female participation.
Phillips added: “Property investment is clearly a male-dominated market and there is potentially more to be done to attract female investors to level out the playing field.
“Research by YouGov recently showed that women take less risk and are more focused on avoiding losses than generating gain from investments. They will dig deeper to understand the market before diving into the unknown, so accurate and jargon-free advice tends to be more important than when dealing with male investors.”
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