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Should families be banned from renting? Consultation begins...

A consultation process is taking place on the Channel Island of Jersey about whether landlords should be banned from refusing to let to families.

The social security minister, Judy Martin, says she wants to amend the law to protect families looking for homes in the island.

“I want to hear from everybody who may have been affected in the last few years... We do have a shortage of homes, so obviously if you then put conditions on those homes it will be worse for families and we don't want anybody, hard working Jersey families to not be able to get good, decent accommodation” Martin told ITV News.


The Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013 currently protects people from discrimination on various grounds, including age; however, one article in the law allows discrimination in relation to the management of premises - meaning a prospective or existing tenant of residential property could be discriminated against if they have a child or children. 

In the past the island’s government - called the States Assembly - has given indicative backing to a backbench proposal to ban such discrimination, but now there is a specific proposal from the Assembly itself.

The consultation into the issue lasts until April 30 and you can see it here

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