They have taken differing views on Section 21 powers but now the National Residential Landlords Association and homelessness charity Crisis have struck a partnership.
As a result of this new relationship, Crisis will be able to work more easily with private landlords to house people. These individuals will receive enhanced support to sustain tenancies, including training and telephone advice line services.
And the NRLA is set to assist with the recruitment of more landlords to the scheme. Though this collaboration, both organisations will be able to play an even greater role in helping reduce homelessness across the UK by improving access to the private rented sector.
Matt Downie, chief executive of Crisis, says of the arrangement: “Together we’ll be offering a range of tailored services and advice to landlords, supporting them to take on tenancies, with confidence and security, with people who have previously been homeless.”
He continues: “This includes a designated point of contact throughout the tenancy, matching the right tenant to the property, mediation and tenancy breakdown prevention and free rental insurance. This partnership provides an important opportunity for Crisis and the NRLA to join forces to make the Private Rented Sector a better and fairer place for all involved.”
And Ben Beadle, the NRLA’s chief executive, says: “This partnership recognises the importance that the private rented sector and responsible landlords play in providing safe, decent and secure accommodation, and gives practical support to both renters and landlords to sustain tenancies.
“We are delighted to be starting this innovative project with our friends at Crisis. Unlike some housing charities, Crisis works practically to assist homeless individuals to secure homes, get back on their feet and maintain tenancies for the long-term.
“We at the NRLA identify closely with this approach and believe that by working together we can go some way towards ending homelessness across the UK.”
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