Six times as many social renters in one part of the UK are dissatisfied with their homes compared to private renters according to part of the fast-growing Lomond Group of agencies.
Analysis of the latest Scottish Household survey by DJ Alexander Ltd, part of the Lomond Group, shows 12 per cent of social renters are very/fairly dissatisfied with their housing compared to just two per cent in the private rented sector.
The Scottish Government’s ‘A New Deal for Tenants’ consultation paper states that: “It is acknowledged in this draft Strategy that the private rented sector has further to travel than the social sector and therefore the weight of policy proposals where views are being sought, are for the private rented sector.”
David Alexander, chief executive of DJ Alexander Scotland, says: “While the Scottish Government may feel that ‘the private rented sector has further to travel than the social sector’ it is clear from the views of tenants that they disagree. Six times as many tenants in the social sector are dissatisfied with their housing which is equivalent to around one in eight Scots being unhappy with their living conditions.”
He continues: “I think everyone involved in property has the strongest desire to ensure that people live in homes in which they feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Whether this is in a home they own, in a private rented property, or in social housing, I believe we are all committed to improving the lives of everyone and their living environment.
“Unfortunately, this consultation paper does not appear to want to address the issues arising across all parts of the rental sector but is intent on focusing mainly on the private rented sector despite this survey highlighting that a great deal of work needs to be done to improve the lives of tenants in social housing.”
Alexander wants everyone involved in the delivery and implementation of this consultation paper to focus on improving homes for tenants as a whole rather than pursuing politically motivated policies targeting the private sector.
“The Scottish Government must understand that landlords in the private rented sector have options and attempts to punish them and reduce the viability of their investment could result in many property investors and landlords leaving the market. With 340,000 households in the PRS it would take the Scottish Government, under their present home building target of 10,000 new houses a year, 34 years to replace the existing properties provided by the private sector and that is assuming no increase in the population” he says..
And he concludes: “We need a moderate, fair debate about housing, and I hope that the Scottish government will respond reasonably to all providers of homes in Scotland to produce a better deal for all tenants regardless of whether it is in the private or social sector.”
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