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Airbnb league table shows cities with highest average prices

A new league table shows landlords the cities across the UK where the highest average Airbnb nightly prices are charged.

The data, from Pikl Insurance, also shows the largest predicted revenue per month based on average nightly price and occupancy rate, and the biggest quarterly rental growth increase in that area. 

Dundee takes the top spot; despite the predicted monthly revenue being lower than other cities, the quarterly rental growth of 16 per cent and further growth data indicates the area's increasing popularity.


Unsurprisingly, the City of London comes in second place with the second highest average nightly price and a large quarterly growth rate of 21 per cent, with Brighton & Hove third - the rental growth market here has grown 27 per cent.

Bath sits in fourth spot but fifth-placed Chichester has the highest quarterly growth rate out of all 69 UK cities, sitting at 28 per cent. 

Edinburgh, Bristol, York, Cardiff and Portsmouth complete the top 10. 

Pikl Insurance says: “We recommend always researching your location prior to becoming an Airbnb host as this can give you a great indication of how much money you’re likely to make in your area. 

“If you’re serious about starting an Airbnb host business, this can additionally be a great indication as to which areas of the UK will benefit you most in terms of occupancy, market growth rate, and overall profit.

“Location isn’t the only factor that can affect your income either. Factors such as length of stay, pricing and how you present your listing can also have a big impact on your short term rental income.”

The table uses data from Airbnb and Airdna, a data and analytics platform, to discover average nightly price, predicted revenue per month (based on location occupancy rates), and quarterly rental growth in a total of 69 UK cities. 

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