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Rental market set to stay strong if new survey proves accurate

Research commissioned by a mortgage lender suggests that 74 per cent of key workers believe they may never own their own homes.

And 94 per cent of key workers surveyed believe they could not get a mortgage in the current circumstances.with 25 per cent predicting it will be five years or more before they could do so. 

Some 22 per cent say they are struggling financially, and on average are left with just £130 of disposable income left each month.


Just under 50 per cent say they have considered changing careers to earn more and possibly buy a home, rising to 59 per cent among those aged 18 to 34.

The survey was compiled by research agency Opinium and 2,000 keyworkers across a range of industries.


Commenting on the research, Anth Mooney - chief executive of Vida mortgages which commissioned the survey - says: “Key workers were the backbone of this country through the last two and a half years, and it is really concerning to find that 74 per cent of them worry that they will never be able to own their own home. 

“It is also particularly worrying that nearly 50 per cent of these people who perform vital roles are actively considering changing careers in order to buy a home. If the pandemic has taught us anything it is that we need these people, and the vital services, they perform.”

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