Over half of renters who choose a deposit alternative are funding their moves with money saved by not having to pay a five week cash deposit, it’s being claimed.
Reposit’s survey of over 1,500 tenants shows 55% were using the cash to help towards moving costs such as buying furniture. Nearly a quarter (23%) put the money into savings accounts, 4% invest elsewhere and 7% repay debts.
The typical cash deposit is now £1,292 and rents now average £1,122 a month claims Reposit, whose chief executive Ben Grech says: “Moving is expensive and many tenants do so having just paid a new deposit of over £1,000 while waiting for their previous lump sum to be returned, leaving them struggling. [We’re] helping to solve these kinds of affordability problems faced by tenants everyday, providing the financial breathing space they need and allowing them to get on with their moves.