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Video: Can Simple Billing help Tenants in the Cost of Living Crisis?

The cost of living crisis is arguably impacting on the private rental tenant more than almost any other demographic. Is there a way to help tenants survive the crisis and, ultimately, help landlords too through lower arrears and the maintenance of tenancies?

Utility bill service Glide believes so and in this video interview with Lee Dahill of Angels Media, Glide sales and marketing director Danny Wyrwoll says the concept of simple billing could be a help. 

Wyrwoll is a new recruit to Glide having previously worked at SSE and Spark Energy selling to estate agents and commercial markets for over 10 years. 


The video interview is six and a half minutes long, and exclusively for Landlord Today’s features section readers. It features a (frankly irritating) glitch, switching the speaker’s image to the left hand side of the screen - however, we believe its content is important, so we apologise for the problem.


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