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Legal and Compliance
HMOTAX was established with a vision to providing exceptional tax advice for property investors like you! With a 100% success record with HMRC, we take a pro-active approach to identifying tax relief for property investors. We combine the complexity of Tax Accountancy, with the technical areas of Quantity Surveying to provide a niche Capital Allowances service. We were the first in the UK to identify this valuable tax relief, and have to date, surveyed nearly 2,000 Multi-occupancy properties, and identified over £75,000,000 in Capital Allowances for our clients like you! Our fees are the most...
View HMO Tax's company profileSmart Compliance Ltd
Smart Compliance is the unique solution for multiple property landlords - a carbon monoxide detection and reporting system offering: - Total Compliance - A Complete Record of Monitoring Data - Continual Protection for Tenants and Landlords The Smart Compliance carbon monoxide detection system is unlike any other product available. Instead of a simple alarm which only sounds in the home when CO is present in sufficient concentration, our detectors also report 24/7 via reliable SMS to a central portal, recording not just the level of CO, but also the status of the monitor itself. This...
View Smart Compliance Ltd's company profile